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You're Engaged!! What do I do now?

So where do you start? At the beginning of course!

Try not to be get too stressed out, this maybe the beginning of your life together but it doesn't mean it needs to be the worst. Yes, there is no doubt a lot you need to plan however it all comes down to both of you. The wedding itself could be as easy as just the two of you or be as extravagant as 500 guests, 40 flying unicorns and a wedding gown with a 100 metre train.

Announce your big news to everyone you love!

Start off with doing the polite thing and telling your friends and family in person. There is nothing worse than finding out your daughter just got engaged via Facebook. Once you have told your close friends and family then we suggest you get an amazing Engagement photoshoot and then show it off to the world (social media).

Engagement parties are fun but are not a must. If you are short on cash and would rather a big wedding with everything you want, then there is nothing wrong with "sticking to the man" and doing what you want. There is no right way and wrong way to do things so don't feel you have to listen and do what every single person tells you to do.

You are now an engaged couple and your wedding day is to celebrate you and the love you have for each other.

The engagement party can be as simple as dinner and drinks with your closets friends and family or you can have a massive party to celebrate.

It's time to start your wedding fund! Weddings can be expensive so starting a new bank account where you can start saving is the best advice we can give you.
Work out a budget!
Set your date - make sure the date you set will be enough time to get your wedding budget in place. There is nothing worse than struggling just before your wedding day, it will only stress you out more.

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